Resources Library
The new official Lay Servant Ministries course, Loving People and Planet in God's Name, is here! This is a great resource based on the previous UMW/United Women in Faith course Climate Justice.
The Northern Illinois Net-Zero Task Force is working to offer it in each district's Lay Academy. Ask your district Lay Servant Ministries committee to offer it:
Posted here is everything you need to offer the course at your district Lay Academy in either a two-Saturday format designed for Northern Illinois Conference, or the original format of five two-hour sessions, such as for Lent.
Or, you can enroll in the online version
Resources for young folks
Rev. Tura Gillespie's website Teaching Cultural Compassion offers great reviews of books for young folks on many subjects, including creation care and climate justice.
She locates and reviews books, and writes curriculum, to help parents and congregations give children and youth the best of the best, and save time! Subscribe to her great free enews!
It's a FREE Curriculum on nature and climate change for grades 3-8, 8-11, 5-11, 11-14, and 14-18. Great videos and virtual field trips! Use at home, at Sunday School, and at school.
The Nature Conservancy offers "Nature Lab"
Nature Conservancy Photo
Resources for Your Congregation
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency partnered with Energy Star to offer a free Action Workbook for Congregations.
While no longer available on the agency's website, the workbook is available here.
2020 Document Packet
Bishop Sally Dyck's Earth Day address
UMW Climate Justice Campaign
(Just Energy 4 All) Info
Earthkeepers information - training and grants
Chicago ecumenical Earth Day event April 22
Ecumenical Advocacy weekend in D.C. April 24-27
Jemez Principles for Democratic Organizing
The Fierce Urgency of Now Liturgy
United Methodist Foundation Ex-Carbon 200 Fund Info
Earth Day 2020 Theme: Climate Action